Sunday, July 28, 2013


Jenglot probably was a discussion that there is no end, various studies have been conducted, including examining the DNA of jenglot itself and the results may be quite surprising jenglot DNA structure similar to manusia.Konon jenglot which is pengjelmaan of god or bhetara coral reefs are creatures that can life.

They are widely hunted and sought after but others found it a little sengaja.Tidak who seek to serve as a talisman jenglot safety guard, but not a few also are concerned with the presence in the environment as reputedly jenglot jenglot love to suck human blood.

Jenglot he should be fed human blood and oil japaron or it could be a seven-way flower offerings.Until now the history of the origin jenglot never clearly known, it is still a mystery to be spot dipecahkan.Beberapa version says that jenglot is another incarnation of the god karang.Versi say that actually jenglot are people who study black magic and if the person is dead then he will be jenglot.Ada also believe that jinn so jenglot is in providing eating does not need to use human blood, enough with the oil japaron.

If you are a skeptic with jenglot presence and the accompanying myth that it is a natural thing because at times like this, people will have more confidence in the things that are logis.Tapi behind it all, the phenomenon jenglot hair, teeth and can be elongated fingernails is a strange fact that until now could not be revealed.

Suppose jenglot is man-made, how can he grow hair, teeth and nails jenglot? Jenglot How can you explain the sudden there in your house, for example? Moreover jenglot apparition supposedly always preceded by the sign mimpi.Bila jenglot want to have hosted the he would come to the person who suits him, but if you want to have jenglot, it seems you have to hunt for it.

Conscious or not, there is always another side of life will continue to exist ini.Jenglot fill every century in public life indonesia.Mungkin we should be proud because it is only in Indonesia jenglot berada.Percaya do not believe, it's all none.And jenglot it only exists in Indonesia .

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