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Jenglot probably was a discussion that there is no end, various studies have been conducted, including examining the DNA of jenglot itself and the results may be quite surprising jenglot DNA structure...
Tragic murder SMK Children

Tragic murder SMK Children

Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.. On this occasion I will Share about the tragic murder happened disaerah twmpat I live the Muara Enim Regency Village HALL SOUTH SUMATRA PROVINCE .. This murder happened in SMK...
Most Dangerous Virus Internet

Most Dangerous Virus Internet

Stuxnet, Duqu, and Zeus are some of the most dangerous virus names on the internet and coverage of the viruses contained in the general media and even non-IT and computers. But it seems there are...
Various Kinds of Trojan Horse Virus and dangerVarious Kinds of Trojan Horse Virus and danger

Various Kinds of Trojan Horse Virus and dangerVarious Kinds of Trojan Horse Virus and danger

Trojan Horse in the IT world Trojan Horse (Trojan Horse), a Trojan horse is not a virus, because the Trojan Horse does not have the ability to self-replicate. However, the Trojan Horse is no less...